Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat

The Federal Judicial Council passed a disciplinary decision on federal court judges and federal court registrars who committed misconduct.

The Federal Judges’ Assembly held a regular meeting on April 4, 2016 and passed a disciplinary decision on twelve federal court judges and one registrar.
Accordingly, the assembly discussed the cases submitted by the Judges’ Ethics Committee that day.
 to dismiss a federal court registrar for a serious disciplinary offence;
 two judges of the federal court of first instance and three judges of the federal high court to answer;
 One federal court of first instance and one judge of the Supreme Court, respectively, a written and oral warning; 
 One judge of the Federal Court of First Instance and one Registrar of the Federal High Court to submit a sentencing opinion upon conviction;
 One Federal High Court judge was acquitted of the charges filed against them, while one Federal Court of First Instance judge and two Federal High Court judges were not prosecuted.

In another way, the assembly decided that the judge of the Federal High Court who submitted a request to be named should examine their conduct and performance since they were found guilty and name them back.

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