Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat

Message from Head Secretariat of Federal Judicial Administration Council

The federal judicial administration council secretariat is initially established by proclamation no 684/2010 which is later replaced by proclamation no 1233/2021 with the aim to ensure judicial independence, impartiality and accountability in federal courts of Ethiopia. To this end the secretariat is bestowed with a duty to enforce laws; directives and decisions passed by the federal judicial administrations council and undertake a follow up activity.

Among mandates given to the secretariat is to receive complaints against judges and officers working in federal courts.

Honorable Mr. Bula Wagari Bortola

Head Secretariat of Federal Judicial Administration Council

********************** In its regular meeting held on March 25, 2016, the Federal Judicial Council discussed the recommendations made by the Ethics Committee …

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On May 24, 2016, training was given to federal first instance and high court judges on civil litigation and evidence …

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>In its regular meeting held on April 04, 2024 the Federal Judicial Administration Council passed a disciplinary decision on twelve federal …

********************* የፌዴራል ዳኞች አስተዳደር ጉባኤ መጋቢት 25 ቀን 2016 ዓ.ም ባካሄደው መደበኛ ስብሰባ የፌደራል ዳኞች የስነ ምግባር ጉዳዮች ኮሚቴ መርምሮ ባቀረባቸው የውሳኔ …

What Our Directors Say

The Directorate of Investigation and Disciplinary Affairs of Federal Judges is one of the Directorates under the Office of the Federal Judges Administration Council and is working to create a judicial body that is based on values and has superior professional ethics to ensure accountability on the principle of judicial accountability.
Therefore, in 2016, the directorate accepted the disciplinary charges submitted according to the duties and responsibilities, organized petitions, worked together with the ethics and discipline committee of the federal judges, and was able to reach a better result. 

Therefore, I would like to state that in the future, apart from presenting the complaints in person, a procedural system has been put in place to provide appropriate service and exchange of information by using the institution’s website.

Habtamu Gebratsadik
Judge Discipline and Investigation Directorate

The pivotal role of the Ethiopian Federal Judicial Council lies in the establishment and maintenance of an efficient judicial system within the nation. This includes the appointment and removal of judges, supervision of judicial operations, provision of educational programs, management of financial resources, and development of policies to adapt to evolving legal frameworks. Interaction with the public is also a core function to ensure transparency, accountability, and the cultivation of trust and satisfaction among citizens. Continuous reform is indispensable for achieving these objectives. Thus, the Reform and Good Governance Directorate, an integral component of the Council’s secretariat, spearheads this crucial agenda. Responsibilities of the Directorate encompass preparing physical and budget planning and its reports, performance monitoring of judges and staff, assessment of advancements, and utilization of feedback to shape forthcoming training schemes and projects. Furthermore, active participation in local and international platforms is undertaken by the Directorate to enhance the institution’s readiness in embracing appropriate reform strategies and mechanisms. Additionally, the Directorate diligently conveys the mission and vision of the institution to essential stakeholders, service beneficiaries, and the broader public.

As the Director of Reform and Good Governance, it is crucial to confidently emphasize our unwavering commitment to building strong partnerships, fostering collaboration, and implementing robust communication.

Mulatu Geberu
Reform and Good Governance Directorate

Judges Apartment