Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat

Honorable Mr. Bula Wagari Bortola

Head Secretariat of Federal Judicial Administration Council

Messages from Head Secretariat of Federal Judicial Administration Council

The federal judicial administration council secretariat is initially established by proclamation no 684/2010 which is later replaced by proclamation no 1233/2021 with the aim to ensure judicial independence; impartiality and accountability in federal courts of Ethiopia. To this end the secretariat is bestowed with a duty to enforce laws; directives and decisions passed by the federal judicial administrations council and undertake a follow up activities.

Among mandates given to the secretariat is to receive complaints against judges and officers working in federal courts. The secretariat receives those complaints, organizes them and directs to the federal judges codes of conduct committee. It submits the decisions of code of conduct committee to the federal judicial administration council for final decisions, enforces them and undertakes a follow up activity about their implementations. In the future additional works will be done to modernize how complaints are going to be lodged through technology without being required to appear personally.

In order to ensure quality judgments and accountability the secretariat plans and organizes different trainings to federal judges and other judicial officers. Such an effort will continue in a coordinated way to achieve the required goal.

Lastly, the secretariat within the mandate bestowed with and available resource it will make maximum effort towards ensuring judicial independence, accountability and impartiality in the Federal Judiciary.