Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat

History and Traditions

The establishment of Judicial Administration council in Ethiopia  dates back to Emperor Haileselassie regim.At the time Judicial Administration council was established by proclamation no.323/1965.The proclmation provides the secretary of the council  be one of the officials of the MIinistry of justice.According to this proclamation the council had the power to select judges,transfer judges,determine the annual leave and promotion of judges.It also decide on the disciplinary matters.

Although the proclamation generally imply that judges are independent their salaries were used to be decided by the justice ministry.Because of this and other matters it was unlikely that the council during the monarchy could achieve its objective.

During the Derg regime there was proclamation No 513/1968 that established the judicial administration council.The council had three members appointed by the head of state, one of whom is the secretary general of the ministry of justice.Apart from introducing assembly and its powers in other cases it was similar with the former council.The proclamation stipulates that judges are to perform their duties independently,but,because the composition of the assembly is dominated by the executive it was unlikely to ensure judicial independence.

Before the federal government, judicial Administration council was established  in accordance with Article 8/1 of the proclamation No .23/1984, which provides for the administration of justice during the transition period.

Constitutionally it is the FDRE constitution that recognize the existence of the judicial administration council.The constitution under article 79(2) and (3) provides that judges shall perform their duties independently of any interfrence.The independence of judges and the judiciary is recognized by the the constitution.On the other hand judges  will be held accountable for gross mis condut and and incompetence.in order to ensure judicial independence and accountability the judicial administration council was established by proclamation No. 684/2002 which was later replacd by the judicial administration proclamation no 1233/2021.

The current proclamation no 1233/2021 clearly provides the number,their compositions and the main obligations of the council.Among others the main obligations and duties of the judicial administration council is to develop the rules and systems that ensures judicial independence and accountability,judicial recruitment,decides on the salaries and benefits of judges and  deciplinary matters.It also established the secretariats office that plans,coordinates and facilitates the varios tasks of the judicial administration council and follow up the implementations of council’s decisions.