Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat


To be an institution that has developed its institutional capacity, is capable of enforcing greater judicial independence and accountability, and has gained public trust;


By recruiting qualified candidate judges and assembly appointees with impartiality and quality, continuously monitoring the conduct and performance evaluation of judges, improving their capabilities, and implementing an effective, independent and accountable judicial system in the federal courts with favorable working conditions;

Key Values

Freedom and neutrality;
Transparency and Accountability; 
Professional competence;
Customer oriented;

The powers and duties of the Federal Judicial Administration councils Secretariats.

The Secretariat of the Assembly shall have the following duties and responsibilities:-

• Prepare the annual work plan and budget of the council
• Implement the plan and the budget when approved
• Receive complaints against judges and judicial officers working in federal courts.
• The secretariat organizes and directs the disciplinary cases to the federal judge’s codes of conduct committee.
• It submits the recommendations of code of conduct committee to the federal judicial administration council for final decisions
• Enforces the decisions of the judicial administration council
• Organizes the personal files of federal judges, keep them updated and present when necessary
• To organize, file and keep the councils and committees minutes in appropriate manner
• Assign permanent experts to various committees established by the council and follow up their performance
• Plans and organizes trainings to federal judges and other judicial officers.
• To ensure judges appraisal conducted annually by judicial administrators
• Follow up the implementations of administrative matters of federal judges.