Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat

The Federal Judges Administration Council has passed a disciplinary decision on judges of federal courts and federal court registrar who committed ethical offenses.

Federal Judges Administrative Conference April 04 2016 E. During the regular meeting held by M, twelve federal courts judges and one registrar passed a disciplinary decision.
According to this, the assembly discussed the allegations of the decisions presented by the Ethics Committee of Judges.
-One federal first degree court registrar should be dismissed for a serious disciplinary offense.
-Two federal primary court judges and three federal high court judges to give answers;
-One federal primary court and one supreme court judge respectively written and verbal warning;
-One federal first instance court judge and one federal high court registrar to present a comment on punishment for     being found guilty;
-A federal high court judge has passed a decision saying that a federal first court judge and two federal high court         judges have been acquitted from charges.
The assembly has decided to rename the federal high court judge who submitted a request for renaming in another way, examining their ethics and performance of the federal high court since they were convicted and rename their good name.