Federal Judicial Administration Council Secretariat

Reform and good governance directorate duties and responsibilities

  • Prepare the physical and budget of the council and its secretariat in collaboration with the chairperson of the council committees and other directorates. Introduce to the concerned party and endorse by the council.
  • Cascading the plan to the directorate and employees of the institution: monitor and evaluate the accomplishment and provide feedback.
  • Timely prepare the institution reports by collecting reports from directorates and employees.
  • Organize and retain documents related to plans and reports.
  • Make sure that the performance evaluations of judges, council appointees, and employees comply with the relevant laws.
  • Evaluate the process and the results achieved and report to the council through the secretariat, and use the feedback for the upcoming performance measurements.
  • Use the performance evaluation results and feedback for education, recognition, rewards, and other necessary measures as input.
  • Prepare continental and international judicial administrative forums. Ensure that judges and council appointees participate in forums prepared by other countries.
  • By embracing proven practices from both continental and international judicial administrative experiences, take measurements to make council and secretariat more efficient and effective..
  • Do research and bring different reform tools and when permitted, implement and monitor its effectiveness.
  • Other related duties